Leather Boxer Collar for Everyday Use
We are sure that you want to wear your Boxer in the best equipment. It is instinctive desire of every devoted dog breeder. If we are right, we are happy to present you premium quality leather collar. If you get it, you will see how your pet will change. Your dog will feel your care and will answer you with obedient behavior. Also he will look even more trendy in this gear. Spikes are lovely decorations. They are associated with power and readiness to attack. Wearing this tool you can warn those people who like to tease dogs that they shouldn’t do it with your canine. Though Boxers are friendly, they can be aggressive if they feel a threat.
Also we want to draw your attention to practicalness of this collar. All activities are available with it - training, walking, socialization, transportation, visiting friends or public places. Owing to the width, the product allows to handle your Boxer easily and causes no discomfort. Enjoy every moment with your four-legged friend. Provide him with the best implements and make his life easier. He will be thankful for your care and love.
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This collar is a worthy choice for your dog
Extremely durable hardware won't let the collar unfasten What is special about this collar: - Utmost comfort
- Super reliable
- Extremely safe
- High quality leather
- Durable hardware
- Trendy design
- Brass smooth spikes
| When to use this collar: - Happy walks
- Effective training
- Socialization
Sizes available: | Available colors: |
How to measure your Boxer for good fit Collar:
Please be advised that:
- The collar has 5 holes and it will fit on the central one. There is a distance of 1 inch (25 mm) between the holes.
- If your Dog's neck size is 20 inches (50 cm) the collar will fit on the central hole at 20 inches (50 cm).
- If the size is smaller there are two more smaller size holes - 18 inch (45 cm) and 19 inch (47.5 cm). And two more holes for bigger size - 21 inch (52.5 cm) and 22 inch (55 cm). There is always a tip of the collar after the last hole. It is about 2 inch long (5 cm).
- Some sizes of these collars will differ because it is handcrafted collars. Though it isn't meaningful.
- For better fit we make 2 ply and padded leather collars 1 inch bigger.
This collar will affect everyone!
Great news! You may have a collar that will never leave anybody indifferent. You may have this gear and see how your Boxer turns into a local dog star. This product seems to be easy decorated, but its power is huge. It attracts glances of all people, so your posh doggie will be in the center of attention. Adorned with one row of spikes that shine under the sun, this collar wins love in our customers’ hearts. Let this item beautify your gorgeous Boxer and make him be the only dog in the neighbourhood with unique equipment.
Handiwork is very precious!
Do you know that our artists use no machines to make dog items? They use only their hand while producing excellent dog equipment. Handmade things are priceless! Our craftsmen put their souls in tools they make and you get the product of love and care. Also we have individual approach to every client and every collar is made according to the measurements that are given by the customer. If you want to buy perfectly fitting implement, order it in our store and our craftspeople will make an ideal tool for your Boxer.
Comfort of your Boxer is our main item!
If you think that the only advantage of this collar is style, you are badly mistaken. We firmly believe that design is important when the tool is comfortable. What is the sense of stylish gear that can’t be worn on the dog because of discomfort?! We use soft leather while making equipment, so this product will be pleasant for dog’s skin. Leather surface is buffed and edges are rounded to prevent rubbing or cutting into Boxer skin.
High quality durable collar is the best choice for your Boxer!
You should know that this product is made of royal quality full grain leather. As you know it is extremely durable and can resist various loads. For example, your Boxer pulls too hard, but you can be calm - this gear will be safe and sound. It is not only leather that makes this tool reliable. We also used solid hardware - strong nickel plated buckle and D-ring that will withstand any pulling force of your Boxer.